Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Make Love not Sore

It's time for activism against the abuse of women and children.

In my mind, this picture represents the innocence and nurture that hands can hold!

Raise your hands for protection against violence!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This Week's Victory!

In commemoration of my first week into the experiment, I decided to share this beautiful picture of the goddess Nike.

Appropriate for this week's victory methinks. (And in anticipation of many more in the following weeks!)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Finding Beauty

This blog is my contribution to anything I find beautiful, funny, inspiring, or simply worth the upload.

A small technological attempt to stop and smell the roses.

This picture represents how I would love to appear after my year-long experiment. I can see it now: hair blowing in the wind (without me worrying about the inevitable knots), and my realisation that happiness can be achieved through the little things. That's my wish for all of us.

So look at the picture. Breathe in the tranquility. Appreciate the innocence of joy.